Referred to the Transplant Team

In the world of kidney disease, 20% kidney function is a significant milestone.  At that point you are deemed to have end-stage renal disease and are eligible to begin the transplant process.  In August of this year we hit that magic number and were referred over to the transplant team at Swedish Hospital in Seattle.  We have our initial meeting with the transplant team on November 6th.  It should be a very educational meeting.

Right now we are not in a hurry to get through the transplant process.  We have to go through a series of tests and procedures in order to be put on the transplant list.  Once that is complete we can begin to have potential donors tested to see if they are a match.  We are going to work diligently, but not frantically, to get everything in order so we can move forward when we are ready.  Right now I feel good, so I'm not sprinting to get this done.  But, knowing that I'll feel worse every passing month, we want to be able to move quickly once we decide the time is right.

It will be interesting to see how all of this unfolds